Sunday, February 24, 2008

i drink your MILKSHAKE

I haven't even seen There Will Be Blood and this makes me laugh hysterically. Maybe it's because the next episode will take place in "Kenosha, Wesh...uh, Wisconsin".


Thursday, February 14, 2008

And now, the end is near...

So I face the final curtain....

Well pimps and hoes, my run has come to an end. Like I wrote in the first post about my laid-offness, I am not distraught about leaving. Like someone in an emotionally abusive relationship whose significant other doesn't love or care about them anymore and makes that blatantly clear, I deserve much better. Case in point, today is my 3rd anniversary and not one word was uttered (except for Katie, thanks! :)). While I realize tomorrow is my last day before being forced out, I did put in 3 years here and while a 'Congratulations' might not be in order, I think a 'thank you' is. But I suppose I expect nothing less.

I don't have much else to say regarding the subject except that I still believe everything happens for a reason. And with certain things coming to light recently I can say that I'm relieved to be freed from the corruption and dysfunction and every other 'tion' that takes place in this hole. So even though I'm leaving a tad bitter, I'm still holding on to the glimmer of hope that this is in fact a blessing in disguise.

All that being said and trying to focus on the positive, here are some things that I am looking forward to during my undetermined length of unemployment and/or things that will continue to put a smile on my face. (Will somebody just hire my talented ass already?)

1. Living Single marathons on the Oxygen Network. Overton, Kyle, Khadijah, Regine, Synclair, and Max - I love you all.
2. Coffee and Magazines at Barnes n Noble
3. The Food Network
4. Ellen Degeneres
5. That Charlie video in the post just before this one.
6. 2pm naps
7. My new bowling ball!
8. Bowling on Saturday nights and bowling with girls on Mondays.
9. Jack Daniels
10. This guy's voice

11. The return of all of my shows
12. Graham cracker cereal
13. And not having to sit in this ridiculous red chair suffocating in a huge vat of bullshit.

Adios Chris Klein, I can say with certainty that I won't miss you.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Sunday, February 3, 2008

This is why

I know I haven't posted anything about my beloved Packers since the mushy yammering article a few posts down, since their devastating loss to the Giants (which I admit was a great game, nail biter all the way through) - but tonight I HAVE to give props to the New York Giants. Packer family and friends, this is why we lost. The Giants wanted it more, and proved it. To come to the big show against a team 18-0 and play one of the most exciting games I've ever seen in football and take what they've earned brings a tear to my eye! There's no denying that the Giants most definitely earned this Superbowl Championship. So I say congrats to you Eli, Strahan, Burress, Tyree and the rest of the Giants club - you played a fabulous game.


Oh, and it also helps that Bill Belicheck, the biggest douchebag on the planet, got what he deserved. What a sore loser.