Sunday, February 3, 2008

This is why

I know I haven't posted anything about my beloved Packers since the mushy yammering article a few posts down, since their devastating loss to the Giants (which I admit was a great game, nail biter all the way through) - but tonight I HAVE to give props to the New York Giants. Packer family and friends, this is why we lost. The Giants wanted it more, and proved it. To come to the big show against a team 18-0 and play one of the most exciting games I've ever seen in football and take what they've earned brings a tear to my eye! There's no denying that the Giants most definitely earned this Superbowl Championship. So I say congrats to you Eli, Strahan, Burress, Tyree and the rest of the Giants club - you played a fabulous game.


Oh, and it also helps that Bill Belicheck, the biggest douchebag on the planet, got what he deserved. What a sore loser.


Amanda said...

AGREED!!! That was one of the best football games ever. I'm just so happy for those Manning boys. I think I had more fun rooting for the Giants this post season than I did for the Bears last post season! I know...that makes me a horrible fan. But the Giants came from fucking nowhere and tore it up. New York represent! :)

nik von H said...

AND, I think it helps we hold a special place in our hearts for NY :)

Diana Laurence said...

Right on Nicole...I realize sports is supposed to be strictly about the better team winning, but it's so satisfying when the better team is also the team with nicer guys. Seeing Tom Brady and Bill Belichick go down in flames was pretty sweet! And seeing Eli rise to the level of his bro was inspiring too.

AR said...

yeah the packers' game was disappointing, but 'twas exciting to see giants pull off a thrilling win ! eli manning rocks, but ofcourse favre would've been even better...:)