As if you couldn't tell by my links, or some of the info in my profile (if you even read it) - I'm quite wrapped up in the world of photography. It's always been something I was interested in, but within the last couple years it's really become a focal point in my artsy fartsy ways.
I was lucky enough to have a brother who purchased a digital SLR camera not too long ago to try out on his BMX endeavors - but decided he wouldn't be able to use it to it's potential for the price he paid, and sold it to me. I'm no Annie Leibovitz, but I've come pretty far in teaching myself the basics of shutter speed, aperture, white balance - so on and so forth - and I'm pretty pleased with some of my results! I monkey around daily with my camera and hope to one day maybe shoot some weddings, or put together a good shoot with family, or my friend's kids.
Here are a few shots - I'm not a fan of planting flowers, or keeping a garden - but apparently I do like to take pictures of them!
Let me just express my gratitude towards the amazing George Harrison for writing this fabulous Beatles tune.
(This is obviously not GH, but it is me, pops and Louise Harrison - George's older sister....soooo, close enough)
And what a WONDERFUL sunny day it is! This is probably the best weather you can get in Wisconsin and for that I'm thrilled. It really doesn't get much better than this - sunny, no humidity and in the 60s/70s. Take a look at my widget!
It's glorious!!!! Glorious for 3/4 days straight! I'm stoked for the weekend, especially since after today I'm off until next Tuesday and I get to fully enjoy it.
I'd like to see my life on the 50% off rack - or the Clearance shelf. "Attention Wal-Mart shoppers, we have a special on life today, it's 50% off the red sticker sale price". That would be wonderful.
If you can't tell, I'm having issues with how much it costs just to live. I admit, I'm not the greatest with money - and I'm working on finally having some sort of budget to follow. I mean I have a budget, it's just sort of all in my head and not the most stable. But I've been doing pretty good with not excessively spending money on useless things, even moved out of my glorious apartment and in with my uncle for quite some time to pay off debt. But really what that left me with now in my new apartment is broke with good credit. I suppose that IS better than broke with horrible credit - but still frustrating nonetheless.
I think the root of the problem, and what is hurting my dolla situation the most is having to pay bills solo. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE living alone, having my own space and that independence - but it's hard paying rent, cable, electric by yourself. Would I sacrifice my independence to save some money for awhile until I either make more money or enter a double income situation? Sure, that would definitely be the smart thing to do - here's the problem - I literally have 0 options for a roommate at this point. 5 of my friends are either married/married w kids/live with their S/O - one is in her last year of college, living at home and can't afford to move out and another already lives with her sister. Plus, I just moved back out into another apartment with a year lease - so even if something were to come up, I'm stuck in this situation for at least a year.
But nobody really makes bank in their 20's, right? Well except for several of my friends who actually's so my luck to have found my talent and interest in a field where it takes yeeeaaars to actually make what you're worth. Why couldn't I have liked numbers and become an accountant? Or just said screw college, I'm gonna become an AA for some corporation and make more money than my friends that have a degree. Because yes, those people do exist in my life...what a slap in the face that is.
So, now that I'm done whining I'm going to get back to eating the rest of my buddig's turkey lunchmeat and golden delicious apple I have for lunch and contemplate moving to the carribean, living in a straw shack and wearing the same clothes everyday. Or robbing a bank.
We're going to last longer, Than the greatest wall in China, Or that rabbit with the druuuuum...
Oh Roseanne, how I love thee. No I did not write this, but I believe it's one of the greatest pieces of literature ever written. ESPECIALLY, 'Darlene's dead guy baklava' - what a great episode. Oh 1989......
"The Conner Menu-ette"
Generous spoons of cream-$tyle corn, Spaghetti in a can. Four-star chili, sort of bland, Made by Dan (the Dan Man).
Mark's rigatoni; pudding with Candy bars. Heavily cerealed meatloaf And pickled eggs in jars.
Spaghetti Bucket leftovers; Fried cluck from Chicken Divine. Wash it down with Canoga, Or a gulp of Beverly's wine.
Loose meat sandwiches; Peanut butter and Frito. Darlene's dead guy baklava makes for good eat-o.
DJ's pocketful of ice cream; A popsicle of grape flavor. These are just a few yums The Conners like to savor!
Recently a show has come into my TV viewing life that the entire world should be privy to - and that show is The Pick-Up Artist. This deserves it's own entry, which is why I'm posting .4958 seconds after the first blog.
I am normally not always a fan of reality shows - oh who am I kidding, yes I am. But this one takes the cake, or maybe in this case, the virginity? J and I anxiously wait all week for 8pm Monday nights to sit down, relax and experience the sheer joy that VH1 has put forth.
'Mystery' (I dont even remember his real name) is a man who calls himself a Master Pick-up Artist - which we've come to discover is more along the lines of Master Player of Unneccessary Games. I don't really know the entire backstory of why or when this man decided that this was his calling, or why VH1 thought it would be a good idea to develop an entire tv series around Mystery and his 'method'. Actually I take that back, I do know why - they somehow knew that people would watch, if not for the ridiculous entertainment of it all - for the men out there who for some reason think there's some sort of guidebook and trickery to meeting women. Nonetheless, it got J and my asses hooked - so much so that it has made my list of shows worth DVR-ing.
Mystery comes complete with two wingmen, J-Dog(g?) and Matador. Why they feel these outrageous nicknames are necessary is beyond me, maybe they think they're fulfilling some sort of childhood fantasy. The fact that these 'students' believe this man can give them some sort of tools required to meet women is disappointing. First of all, our friend Mystery looks like a tool himself. Honey you need to quit raiding Pam Anderson's wardrobe, with your big froofy hat (just because yours is black doesn't make it any more masculine) and pleather/cheetah prints.
You also need to stay out of her make-up drawer, with that thick-ass eyeliner. And I don't know who you're fooling with that lip smack tattoo on your neck - we all know you have a lifetime supply of that stick on tattoo in your dressing room, or purse, or whatever it is you carry. He also has a vast array of other hats and bandanas along with 394 pairs of goggles to accompany them. He even has wooden ones with little slits in the eye area...were you on a dutch version of Star Trek at some point in your life?
Aside from his atrocious choice of wardrobe, we've also noticed a pretty wicked lithp, I'm sorry - lisp - that shows it's ugly face more and more as the season progresses - and his obvious attempt to disguise it. Now, I'm not making fun of people who have lisps, or other speech impediments - shit happens. But my man's opened pandora's box with all this mess - so it's necessary to mention.
Now these students of his aren't ugly by any means, and with the exception of a couple truly socially inept wackos - just seem like genuinely nice, shy guys - going after the wrong women. In watching the show, I've learned a few things.
Apparently.... 1. You need to make yourself seem like a completely self-involved asshole to get a women to 'chase you' 2. You need to have an understanding of a really weird collection of terms such as gambit, keno, two-set, etc. (watch the show, you'll know what I mean) 3. You have to have a script memorized before approaching any woman, because normal conversation is so last week and 4. as a man, the only response you need to anything a woman says to you is "you'll have to buy me a drink first". Whatever happened to a gentlemen buying a lady a drink?
I realize I'm totally dogging the show (and rightfully so) all the while plugging it - but in my opinion (coming from a woman!) this show needs to be watched for two reasons. Pure entertainment, and to learn what NOT to do. Because if any man came at me with the mess he sends these men into bars with, you can guarantee I, or any other woman in their right mind, would see right through it. The only women who fall for scripted nonsense are either drunk and want nothing to do with you, just what's in your pants - or are completely insecure with themselves and fawn all over any man who gives them attention, and that just has bad news written all over it.
Disclaimer - if all you're looking for is T & A, then disregard this entire post. But the men on this show seem to be looking for something more.
Watch this and you'll get the gist of the wonder that is The Pick-Up Artist.
A few last words - women are really not that scary. A genuine conversation with somebody is always the best policy and games will get you nowhere. You don't need clever gimmicks and pick-up lines and crazy vocabulary terms to define steps in getting closer to a woman. And anyone who DOES need that sort of nonsense, is not a woman you want to be associated with anyway.
But seriously, watch it.
Edit: I totally forgot to add the link of his website, where I assume all this tom foolery began and how he got his show in the first place. Personally, I like the fact that he says it's not about "sleazy lounge lizards with too much jewelry and cologne" yet in the next breath "there are very few women who cannot be put under your spell" - spell? Are you kidding? That has creep written all over it. Why don't you just slip a date rape drug into my drink while you're at it.
And check out his 'products' and those prices!!!! This dude is making BANK off poor guys with low self esteem - DOUCHEY!
Apparently I would follow - since I too have decided to (re)join the world of blogging. This isn't such a new venture for me as once upon a time I had a blog, whose hosting site and title will remain nameless for it basically was a venting blog during a very unfortunate time in my life 2 or so years ago. It's rather embarrassing to look back on, seeing as how it basically portrays me as a pathetic, co-dependant freak on paper - which I definitely am not. But everyone goes through rough periods...right? RIGHT!? It is good for a chuckle though - I just wish I would have written about something more interesting.
I've also made many pointless blogs in the world of myspace, but I've grown tired of m'space blogging so here I am. We'll see how long this one lasts.
It will inevitably be a blog about absolutely nothing (hence the tagline), just a bunch of ramblings. I'm not clever enough to author a blog on one particular subject such as fashion, politics, or the 80s. Even though I do love the 80s - c'mon! The Brat Pack, The music - the movies!!! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!! Ok so that was '90, but close enough.
everything 80s fanatic, photography fiend, graphic designer, jack daniel's molester, dancing machine, music obsessor, DVD collector - overall a swell human being.