Tuesday, October 30, 2007

soulja boy makes the cut for Kidz Bop......

If these children's parents knew what "superman dat ho" actually meant - I'm not so sure they'd be happy about their preteen children gyrating to it.....

man I'm getting old.....

Monday, October 29, 2007

Raindrops on roses, and whiskers on Kittens.....

bright falling leaves, pumpkin spice lattes, scarves, and warm woolen mittens....these are a few of my favorite things!

I haven't felt much like blogging lately...I think I go through peaks and valleys when it comes to blabbing about nothing. It's nearing the end of my favorite time of year and that kinda bums me out. Well really I've got November yet, but the leaves have pretty much reached their peak and have started saying their goodbyes. I've only had one PSL so far this season - with the kickoff being just last week! GET ON THE NET!

Tina and Tim's annual Halloween party was this past Saturday - which was a blast as always. Though I think my best friend (Jack Daniels) and I bonded a little too much. But all is well, I still love him. I haven't uploaded my pictures of the affair yet, but here's a little taste from Julie's point of view....me and Mattie (T's brother), who went as Corey Hart from the Brew Crew.

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Some highlights of the evening were:
- Of course Jack D <3
- Jagerbombs a plenty with Spenc and Mattie
- Tim's can of whoopass costume with a vagina back (I'll have to upload the picture....)
- the fog machine!
- Spenc secretly changing into another costume and pissing off Tim
- and finally - O'Donnell walking in on me dropping the kids off at the pool...TWICE, because he thought I was kidding the first time - Johnson's you need a lock on your bathroom door!

All in all, a great success.

I'm pretty stoked for this week since Halloween (my second favorite Holiday) is Wednesday and our work lobby party starts at 3...in which I get to play somebody else again. Plus, it's also taco night which always guarantees a good time. AND, I can't forget that AMC will be playing movies from the Halloween series for 24 hours that day. It can't get much better than that, as I want to have Michael Myers' love child. Horror genre....how I love thee.

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Merry Halloween everyone! Don't forget to check your children's candy for razors and small animals!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Pet Peeves

Pet peeve
n. Informal.
Something about which one frequently complains; a particular personal vexation.

Reiterated on my journey from home to desk this morning.....

1. Bad drivers have always been a huge pet peeve of mine - and this morning I was reminded of one such example. When a person is driving in one lane, and wishing to change lanes, TURN ON YOUR FUCKING BLINKER. People (well most people) on the road can't read minds! I can't tell you how many times I've seen a car in front of me slow down and look in the adjacent lane trying to move over - OR when I'm even in the car with someone who gets frustrated and says "no one's letting me in!" - HELLO! Turn on your blinker so people know you want to move over, wtf!

Dos. Elevators - first of all, I don't like them. They make me feel clausterphobic and I'm always stuck on them with weird Stare-y McBugeyes and people who don't know personal hygiene. But I realized something else this morning....I recognize people from my company and most of the time which floors they're on (3,4 or 5), so if I'm getting on the elevator I often press my floor, along with theirs. Why then, do these people feel the need to get on the elevator - obviously see that their floor is lit, and press it again? And it's even MORE annoying when these people are on your floor! Either these people are so self involved that they have no idea who you are (even though you share the same kitchen on a low populated floor) or they have an OCD with pushing buttons. I realize this may sound so very minute to some of you, but when it's a daily occurance - you just have to wonder.

and three. Hypocrites and people who like to hold everyone responsible but themselves for their own stupid actions. Case in point, if you're talked to in private about a situation in which your ethic is being questioned - obviously it's your problem and the powers that be decided that it was issue that needed to be discussed. Don't air your dirty laundry and send an email to everyone whining about being called out, especially when you went running to mommy 3 months prior with some false bullshit. AND THEN the very next day, repeat exactly what you were just talked to about. Are you really that thick??!!? People amaze me.....

Monday, October 22, 2007

Come Together...heee heeeeeeeee!

This is amazing...I miss the old black pretty Michael....Phylicia Rashad haircut and all....

This version needs to be on iTunes!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

blue eyes blue

It's Wednesday....and I remembered this time.

I've kinda had a rough past week so I don't have much to post about at the moment...but it is did-you-know Wednesday!

SO, Did you know that the prisoners of Alcatraz had the luxury of hot showers to condition them against the cold waters of the San Francisco bay?

Hot showers made the water just that much colder and threatening. It was known around the prison that if you were to get as far as the shoreline, the swim would kill you. Between the temperature and the currents, making it to San Francisco proper was said to be impossible.

I tried to find a picture of a shirt I bought from Hollister long ago that was green and just said "Alcatraz Rocks!" - but no such luck. It was funny though......

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Thursday, October 4, 2007

what the french, toast!!

I suck at life, and forgot to do a did-you-know Wednesday post!

So - Did you know crayons were invented in New York in 1903?

Edwin Binney and Harold Smith created the first wax crayons. Binney's wife named the company Crayola to come from the French for oily chalk. For a couple of friends who just like to color, the crayon craze caught on over night. Their pigment powder, hardening powder and paraffin wax mixture tickled everyone's fancy and is still kicking today. Crayons seem to have no end in sight, as long as we are using paper. The first pack of 8 went for 5 cents.

No wonder I love NY!

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Today is Thursday, which = Friday for me! I'm using my last vacation day of the year tomorrow before James' sister's wedding. I figured it's a good time to use it as we are going to Rudy's tonight...Mexican Restaurant....Margarita's....tequila = not a fun next day, but an amazingly fun night. Plus I still need to go get a dress for the occasion and tomorrow night's the rehearsal dinner so I need time during the day.

Also, nothing happens in October - well, except Halloween - but we don't get off for that. November we have Thanksgiving and this year for Christmas we've got over a week off through work. So, this way I won't have to go too many consecutive weeks with 5 full days.

OH YES, and before I forget - I went to the Maroon 5 concert on Tuesday with James and Ale - it was amazing. Sara Bareilles and The Hives opened up and both put on great shows. My camera died 2 pictures into the show so I ended up taking some pictures with my phone. They're not the best but they work - once I get them onto my computer I'll post them. But for now I'll leave you with this....

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The lovely Adam....or as James kept calling him for some reason, Jason.

I have to go poop now.

Monday, October 1, 2007

busy as a bee-otch

My my my! This week is going to be one crazy week! However, it's looking to be a good time :)

It's Monday, so of course I have bowling tonight. Wednesday is taco night, then I have a hair appointment at 7 so I don't look like a complete crapbag this weekend, Thursday night is Gina's birthday celebration at Rudy's, Friday I'm off and that night is the rehearsal dinner and Saturday is her wedding! I love weddings, for so many reasons. And they're especially fun when the group of people and families attending are always a good time! Plus, it's fun to get all gussied up - since we all know my day to day attire.

October's always nutso for me! Last year I had even more going on. My friend Beth's wedding was the second week of October, then I went to visit my friend Jesse in New York the following weekend, THEN I was in my best friend Tina's wedding the weekend after that - all the while trying to pack up my apartment to move the last weekend. Nuts! No wonder I caught a cold :( No rest!

So, I bid you adieu and I will be back with much to report, and perhaps some pictures after the festivities have ceased!