Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Pet Peeves

Pet peeve
n. Informal.
Something about which one frequently complains; a particular personal vexation.

Reiterated on my journey from home to desk this morning.....

1. Bad drivers have always been a huge pet peeve of mine - and this morning I was reminded of one such example. When a person is driving in one lane, and wishing to change lanes, TURN ON YOUR FUCKING BLINKER. People (well most people) on the road can't read minds! I can't tell you how many times I've seen a car in front of me slow down and look in the adjacent lane trying to move over - OR when I'm even in the car with someone who gets frustrated and says "no one's letting me in!" - HELLO! Turn on your blinker so people know you want to move over, wtf!

Dos. Elevators - first of all, I don't like them. They make me feel clausterphobic and I'm always stuck on them with weird Stare-y McBugeyes and people who don't know personal hygiene. But I realized something else this morning....I recognize people from my company and most of the time which floors they're on (3,4 or 5), so if I'm getting on the elevator I often press my floor, along with theirs. Why then, do these people feel the need to get on the elevator - obviously see that their floor is lit, and press it again? And it's even MORE annoying when these people are on your floor! Either these people are so self involved that they have no idea who you are (even though you share the same kitchen on a low populated floor) or they have an OCD with pushing buttons. I realize this may sound so very minute to some of you, but when it's a daily occurance - you just have to wonder.

and three. Hypocrites and people who like to hold everyone responsible but themselves for their own stupid actions. Case in point, if you're talked to in private about a situation in which your ethic is being questioned - obviously it's your problem and the powers that be decided that it was issue that needed to be discussed. Don't air your dirty laundry and send an email to everyone whining about being called out, especially when you went running to mommy 3 months prior with some false bullshit. AND THEN the very next day, repeat exactly what you were just talked to about. Are you really that thick??!!? People amaze me.....


Miss Organizized said...

YESSSS!!! haha that was awesome! Especially the part about the elevators...wtf??? It's funny you wrote this at 9:00am and then MORE insanity ensued.


nik von H said...

Yesterday was REDONK. But Aussie Floyd carried my troubles away. BEST EVER.

Amanda said...

I love you and I love this post. It's so true about people and it's just nice to see that I'm not the only one who gets annoyed about it. The two things that get me through all the BS? 1. Aussie Floyd and 2. assuming karma will take care of all the assholes and turn them into hungry ghosts in the afterlife...


Diana Laurence said...

Nik, your numero three P.P. was also my peeve o' the week. Possible o' the year. Certain self-deluded people will eventually get their inevitable come-uppance, and I'm hoping sooner rather than later. It's like the way I feel about people who complain about the Patriot Act threatening our freedom: I don't care if the government listens to my phone calls because I'm not doing anything wrong! It's so lame when people whine that those who caught them in their bad acts are the ones at fault. Did these people learn NOTHING in preschool?

nik von H said...

Ha! Thanks ladies - I was a little hesitant to make the post in the first place, especially number 3 for fear that it was just a heat of the moment thing...but, it still makes my blood boil.

I'm off to see what this 'hungry ghost' business is all about.....