Wednesday, November 14, 2007

25 years OLD...not young...OLD

Ok so really I've got about six months until I hit a quarter century - but lately I've been feeling about a half century old. Last year around spring or fall (I can't remember which, see, my mind's even going!) I started having problems with my right knee. It would begin to hurt for what seemed like no reason - I wasn't running, or doing anything strenuous - my knee had just turned into a bowl of rice krispies, it would crack and pop when I would bend it. Sometimes it felt like there was a lot off pressure in it, maybe fluid build-up - but then it would crack and relieve it somewhat. If I were to to squat (say to get laundry out of the dryer) I would fall over to my left side because it felt like my knee was going to 'splode off my body. It didn't hurt to touch it, and by just looking at it you couldn't really tell. So I let it go on for a bit thinking it would just go away. After about a month I'd had enough and decided to make an appointment to get an x-ray. I went in and explained to the doctor all of my issues, even explained that it didn't hurt to touch it, or press on it, or slap and even punch it. But when I bent it, it hurt - or put any sort of strain on it, it hurt. She proceeded to start poking at my knee and continuously repeat "Does this hurt?" - of course I kept saying no, because I just got done telling her that was not an issue. So then she began to look at me like I was crazy, and wasting her time - but ordered an x-ray anyway. So I went down to the big scary, cold, dark room with the huge loud machine that looked like Optimus Prime and laid on the table while they x-rayed my knee from 3 angles. So then they said they'd call with the results and I left.

I kid you not - 2 days later it was gone, back to normal! And about a week later I got something in the mail from the clinic, looked like a report card from 3rd grade with a bunch of scribbles on it but all I could make out was the word 'OK'. So, I paid almost $60 to go in and be treated like some sort of asshole for everything to be 'OK'? I just sucked it up, paid my bill and went on my merry way with 2 happy knees....until this last weekend. Whatever it was is back - with a vengeance. Snap, crackle and pop have returned along with their best friends knee fluid and OOWWWWWW. If I have it bent a certain way for a period of time - like when I'm in bed - and then move to a position where I straighten it - it begins to hurt. Not like a sharp, shooting pain - but more of a 'Hulk has a grip on the tendons and cartilage beneath my kneecap' ache. What is this!?!? Apparently Christmas music beginning on November first has stuffed me into the DeLorean, rocketed me to 88 mph hour and spewed me into the year 2033.

I've decided to forgo the doctor's visit this time around and take it upon myself to come back to 2007. So, more milk for moi in the coming days and I'm finally joining a gym this Saturday. Also, upon discussing my ailments with my mother - I learned that my dad also had knee problems for some time and recommended that I take glucosamine chondroitin - as it seems I could very well have a little problem with osteoarthritis. Arthritis people!!!!!!!! I was under the impression that in this day and age, 30 was the new 20....well apparently 25 is the new 60.

If I could only figure out what can cure that crack in my hip every time I go up the if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to my knitting.

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