Friday, September 7, 2007


"It's not just the 11th hour, it's 11:59:59"

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I went with J and Ale last night to see this film at the Oriental, and it was really good. It really made you think. Unfortunately I was never an environmentalist, or paid any mind to how much harm the human race is actually causing this planet. I do have an aunt that was/is always about greenpeace, having a compost pile, and bringing your own canvas bags for grocery shopping instead of using 'paper or plastic' - but I just didn't really care. And obviously that was the thought of most of the population, seeing the state we're in today. The facts were incredibly eye-opening, and it really is up to this generation to start 'giving a shit' and do something to improve the quality of our environment. One of the points that really struck me as amazing came towards the end of the film when David Suzuki was talking about nature, and the environment - and all that it does for us, for free. He mentioned at one time they did a study to try and calculate how much it would cost to replace all that it does with man-made structures and machines; Bees pollenating flowers, trees and plants putting oxygen back into the air, etc. It would cost 35 TRILLION dollars to do what nature does for us, for free. Maybe it's just me, but that's amazing. They obviously talked about global warming how the earth in general is a few degrees warmer - most people think 2, 3 degrees isn't much, and isn't enough to make a difference - but a few degrees is what brought us out of the last ice age. They also had a few creative directors and architects like Bruce Mau and William McDonough speaking in the film about designing buildings and devices that use solar power, and mimick nature to cut down on fossil fuels and other things that are wearing the earth's resources down so quickly.

If you've got the chance, go see this film - or at least look into what it's about. I'm at the stage in my life where I start thinking about raising a family at some point - and need to have an interest in doing something to preserve quality of life. I may not be around anymore by time it's too late to go back and the human race will die off because of it, but I don't want to bring children into a world that's no longer livable.

There are so many more interesting facts and information that I obviously can't cover - so I really do encourage you to see it.

The 11th Hour Trailer


Miss Organizized said...

Now aren't you glad I started the recycling campaign here in the little production department??

nik von H said...

I sure am!!! You wonderful person, you.