Happy Monday....again.
So, a new director started in here in PR yesterday - the powers that be decided it would be fun for him to fill out a get-to-know-him survey of sorts and one of the questions was: What was your favorite president? His answer? LBJ - which I was proud to know stood for Lyndon Baines (Ok I didn't know his middle name was Baines, but I did know that it was B...obviously) Johnson, I even knew the approximate term he served! Hey, I'm an old lady no longer in school so past president information kinda slips to the dusty crevices of my brain...but I digress. Upon knowing LBJ, I started to remember a couple random facts about some presidents, i.e Nixon and "I am not a crook", Reagan and....well I just like Reagan because he's so cute, and was in term when yours truly entered this world. But then I remembered something about some president being really fat and not fitting into the bathtub and having a special tub made and what have you. You see around age 11 I was into Presidents and had this book on all Presidents up until the current one (which was Clinton) and it had 2 or 3 pages of info about each one - their term, fun facts - and apparently how fat they were. I knew that it started with a 'T', and I kept thinking Truman - but knew that wasn't it. So then I googled "fat president tub", exactly in that order, and it all came screaming back, it was Taft. Good ol' 400 pounds of fun William Howard Taft. THEN, the Heavens opened up and sent me this little nugget.
Which immediately put Z and I into a fit of laughter. It's perfect - I've even printed it out and hung it in my cubicle. And then it came to me - this would be the perfect skit on Conan, much like In The Year 2000, where "FAT PRESIDENT" would be repeated like "in the year 2000" is in the aforementioned skit - however - in that low, movie trailer-esque voice, and the image above would flash on screen.
For example
Conan: Because President Taft was so ginormous, he had to have a special tub made for him installed in the White House.
(movie trailer-esque voice): FAT PRESIDENT ::show picture above::
Then continue with another fact, and so on and so forth.
Ok so it's not as funny on paper as it is my head, but I'm not a writer for Conan and I'm sure they'd be able to make it more sarcastic, and witty, and just overall completely ridiculous. It could work, I'm telling you!
On that note, I leave you with this - It's a replica of Taft's tub because the original cracked "while it was being removed from the White House".....yeah, sure it was.
I can't believe I just wrote an entire blog about William Taft. Raise your hand if you remembered that Taft was a President! Two points if you remembered that he was fat.
And lastly....if you rearrange the letters is Taft you get Fatt....with two T's. That's how fat he was.
(Take a drink for every time the word 'fat' appears in this blog)
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*raises hand*
I want to become a really ginormous president just so I can have that killer Conan skit written for me!!!!
And you get the two points too because you remembered he was FFFAAATTTT!
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