Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I'm eating my own words

And those words are "I have an amazing immune system."

Yes, just because I said that - I got sick with the death. J was swallowing razor blades early last week and I foolishly said "teehee, I have an amazing immune system, I probably won't get it." Only I forgot to knock on wood while daring to make such a statement. Besides, his never turned into much anyway - but noooo, come Monday morning I had this weezy feeling in my throat and thought nothing of it for awhile. Then it started to hurt, finally around 8pm while watching Mystery and his gang I was slammed with the full on It's-90-degrees-in-my-house-but-im-freezing syndrome, complete with head-to-toe body aches and sore skin. That's right, MY SKIN HURT! I downed Nyquil and hit the sack by 9:30 - didn't help all that much since I was out of commission all day yesterday. However, today it doesn't hurt to have clothes on, my temperature is back down to a solid 98.6 degrees, and I'm here at work (although I am coughing all over my keyboard). I'm hoping I don't get much more phlegmy (there was an unfortunate incident in the shower this morning) and that this sore throat decides to go back wherever it came from SOON.

Have no fear, this is not going to hinder the weekly tradition of Taco Night every Wednesday at the KOC. Usually this meal comes complete with a long island, but I think I will skip that for some water this time 'round.

Wish me luck in that a shard of taco shell will not scrape my gullet on the way down.

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